We invite you to be part of the Conservation Genomics Consortium community. We provide multifaceted opportunities to learn cutting edge science and to help solve California’s conservation challenges.
We have grown from a few dozen investigators to nearly 100 students, postdocs, and professors interested in advancing conservation genomics, from whole genome population and landscape genomics of target species to environmental DNA for broad biodiversity surveys. If you would like to join our Slack community, find us here:
email Rachel to join (rameyer[at]ucsc.edu)
Become an eDNA Community Scientist!
The ‘e’ in eDNA stands for ‘environmental’ or ‘extracellular’, meaning DNA that is bound to soil particles, inside small organisms in soil, trapped inside pieces of leaf or dust collected from the environment. A sample of the environment, be it soil, air, water, or sediment, contains traces of the species that lived there from the present into the deep past. Using different technologies and tools, we can trace the origin of the DNA fragments to organisms and if we’re lucky, we can even get a snapshot of an organism’s population diversity.
Work with us virtually or side-by-side to study DNA from the environment. We want to use this growing technology to get a new perspective on the unique habitats all over California, and are building kits and apps you can use to easily sample DNA on your next outdoor adventure.
Send us an email if you’re interested in becoming one of California’s premier eDNA Citizen Scientists and we’ll loop you in first about the exciting opportunities in the works. Just send an email to uc.caledna[at]gmail.com and check out the CALeDNA program at www.ucedna.com.
Support the UC Conservation Genomics initiative
Our programs are continuing to grow, but as we engage with stakeholders we realize the needs for managing and understanding biodiversity via genomics knowledge are greater every day. You can join the initiative and support the cutting edge programs we run through a donation. Please contact rwayne[at]ucla.edu to learn more.
University of California students, explore the labs!
The Consortium faculty are regularly recruiting bright and eager students. Don’t be shy! If you like our projects, check out the professors’ lab websites and send them an email. And if you want to have a casual discussion to learn more about lab activities, from how teams interact to how joining a lab can give you well-rounded professional development, feel free to contact Rachel at rsmeyer@ucla.edu.
Social Media
@UCalConGenomics <–tag us and let us know what’s on your radar