The University of California Conservation Genomics Consortium will apply cutting edge molecular, computational and analytical techniques to natural systems.
We will translate our results into management recommendations for California species of conservation concern, ranging from mountain lions to abalone, sea otters to ochre seastars, and side-blotched lizards to valley oaks.
By combining the resources and knowledge of faculty across six University of California campuses, we will bring together unprecedented levels of expertise in genomics, bioinformatics, conservation, ancient DNA sequencing, management and outreach to address long-standing conservation questions in California ecosystems and engage the public in preserving and studying biodiversity.
Under the University of California, President’s Office Catalyst program we have been awarded a three-year award for 1.75 million dollars to establish this conservation genomics network. The goal of the program will be to support research, develop new analytical tools, educate graduate and post-graduate students via workshops, and interface with conservation managers and planners as well as the general public.
We will also engage with the public and citizen-scientists to carry out a massive genetic survey of California biodiversity using environmental DNA sampling.